I can do it in less than five. I figured out what products are necessary for me to feel like a human being, and I stick with those. All-in-one foundation, undereye concealer, blush, and gloss. With haircombing, that takes 2.5 minutes. Today, I felt jazzy and added liner and mascara. Total time, 3:13. Check it out - I may not be ready for the Oscars, but I think I look pretty good.

Night-time cleanup. My five-year-old daughter is a creative soul, and the products of her imagination pepper our family room with paper folded into unknown contraptions, Barbie shoes, and colored pencils. I make her put things away at bedtime, but the room still looks messy. While she was using the potty, I put away TV trays, tossed broken crayons and old papers, and threw a few dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Total time - 4:47. That means I may get time to do my nails before bed. If I can figure out a five-minute manicure, I'll let you know.
Oh, this blog did take more than five minutes; I wrote part of it this morning while my husband drove me to work. I'm going to work on being more timely with the writing.