When writing and I are in the midst of a love affair, things are good. Sentences and turns of phrase come to me without hesitation. Paragraphs feel as if they write themselves. And the best part? I like what I've created.
But writing and I aren't together right now. Putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard feels like a chore. I often face a blank screen instead of inspiration.
Life has pulled us in two different directions. A new baby, a new job for Hubby, and a quasi-new job for me are just a few of the forces that have grappled for my attention. Over the past few months, I've been trying to get us reunited. It's been a series of fits and starts.
So when I ran across Awesomely Luvvie's post about a 31-day blog challenge for August, I was intrigued. The challenge is to post new content every day from now until the end of the month. No throwbacks.
After my initial interest settled, doubt began to creep in. I have too much to do. Work is starting to pick up. Hubby will be leaving town soon. The three posts a week I've been trying to write are hard enough; there's no way I can handle a post a day.
Doubt moved to worry: What if I fall off after a week? What if I can't think of anything to write?
Worry gave way to fear: What if I my writing is awful? What if the love affair never returns?
Our relationship may not become what it once was, or it could come back stronger that ever. I won't know, though, until I try. So I'm closing my eyes, taking a deep breath, and digging in.
I hope you will come along for the ride.